Hebrew Names
A list of Hebrew names. Click on a name in the list to find the meaning of the Hebrew name, how popular the name is, and other useful name information.
- Maichail
- Maidel
- Makis
- Malachi
- Malak
- Malakai
- Malcah
- Malina
- Malkah
- Mallaidh
- Manasses
- Maren
- Mariamne
- Maribel
- Maribella
- Maribelle
- Marie
- Mariette
- Marika
- Marily
- Marion
- Mariska
- Marlena
- Marlene
- Marnin
- Martha
- Marthe
- Mary
- Maryann
- Maryanna
- Marybell
- Maryjo
- Marylu
- Masai
- Matai
- Matana
- Mate
- Matea
- Matei
- Mathea
- Mathew
- Mathews
- Mathia
- Mathias
- Matson
- Mattea
- Matthea
- Matthew
- Matthia
- Matthias
- Matthieu
- Mattias
- Matxalen
- Matyas
- Matz
- Mava
- Mayah
- Mayir
- Mazel
- Mehetabel
- Meheytabel
- Mehitahelle
- Meilseoir
- Meir
- Meira
- Melchoir
- Menachem
- Menachema
- Menachemah
- Menassah
- Mettabel
- Meyer
- Micah
- Micaiah
- Mical
- Michael
- Michaele
- Michaelina
- Michaeline
- Michaelyn
- Michal
- Michalin
- Michayla
- Micheala
- Michel
- Michele
- Micheline
- Michelle
- Michon
- Micole
- Mieze
- Mihaly
- Mikael
- Mikel
- Mikele
- Mikhalis
- Mikhos
- Mikkel
- Mikko
- Milcah