Greek Names
A list of Greek names. Click on a name in the list to find the meaning of the Greek name, how popular the name is, and other useful name information.
- Perdix
- Pericles
- Persephone
- Persis
- Persius
- Peter
- Petra
- Petrina
- Phaedra
- Phaethon
- Phaethusa
- Phantasos
- Phaon
- Phebe
- Phemie
- Phemius
- Pheobus
- Pheodora
- Phila
- Philana
- Philander
- Philemon
- Philip,
- Philippa
- Phillida
- Phillipa
- Philo
- Philoctetes
- Philoetius
- Philomela
- Philomena
- Philothea
- Phlegethon
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Phorbas
- Phorcys
- Phrixus
- Phyllis
- Pirithous
- Pittheus
- Pityocamptes
- Plato
- Pleasure
- Plexippus
- Plutus
- Podarge
- Polites
- Pollux
- Polycarp
- Polydamas
- Polydeuces
- Polydorus
- Polyeidus
- Polyhymnia
- Polymestor
- Polynices
- Polyphemus
- Polyxena
- Pontus
- Poseidon
- Priam
- Priapus
- Procne
- Procrustes
- Prokopios
- Prometheus
- Protesilaus
- Proteus
- Psyche
- Pygmalion
- Pylades
- Pyramus
- Pyrena
- Pyrrha
- Pyrrhus
- Pythia
- Rasmus
- Resi
- Rhadamanthus
- Rhea
- Rhesus
- Rheta
- Rhoda
- Rhoecus
- Risto
- Ritsa
- Rydia
- Saba
- Saina
- Salmoneus
- Sanders
- Sandi
- Sandra
- Sarpedon
- Scylla
- Sebastene
- Sebastian
- Semele
- Seoirse