German Names
A list of German names. Click on a name in the list to find the meaning of the German name, how popular the name is, and other useful name information.
- Abelard
- Adal
- Adalard
- Adalbert
- Adalgar
- Adalhard
- Adalheida
- Adali
- Adalicia
- Adalie
- Adaliz
- Adalric
- Adalrik
- Adalwen
- Adalwin
- Adalwine
- Adalwolf
- Adalwolfa
- Adel
- Adela
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Adelhard
- Adelheid
- Adelheide
- Adeline
- Adelisa
- Adelle
- Adelyte
- Adette
- Adlar
- Adler
- Adne
- Adolf
- Adolfo
- Adolph
- Adolpha
- Adolphus
- Adriane
- Agathe
- Agustine
- Ahren
- Ailbe
- Ailse
- Alaric
- Alarica
- Alarice
- Alarick
- Alarik
- Albert
- Alberta
- Albertina
- Albertyne
- Albrecht
- Albreda
- Ald
- Aldrik
- Aleda
- Alemannus
- Alese
- Alfonsine
- Alger
- Alhmanic
- Alhsom
- Alhwin
- Alice
- Alisz
- Alix
- Allaryce
- Alois
- Aloisia
- Aloysia
- Alphonsine
- Alphonso
- Alric
- Alrick
- Alrik
- Altman
- Altmann
- Alvara
- Alvarie
- Alvie
- Alvin
- Alwin
- Alyda
- Alyshea
- Amalasand
- Amalasanda
- Amald
- Amalda
- Amall
- Amaud
- Amd
- Amdt
- Ame
- Amell
- Amet
- Amett
- Amey
- Amhold