English Names
A list of English names. Click on a name in the list to find the meaning of the English name, how popular the name is, and other useful name information.
- Oxford
- Oxley
- Oxnaford
- Oxnaleah
- Oxnatun
- Oxton
- Oz
- Ozzy Lebron
- Paegastun
- Paella
- Paine
- Paiton
- Palmer
- Palmere
- Parisch
- Park
- Parke
- Parker
- Parkin
- Parkins
- Parkinson
- Parle
- Parnall
- Parr
- Parrish
- Parsefal
- Parsifal
- Patten
- Pattin
- Patton
- Pauloc
- Paulson
- Pax
- Paxton
- Paxtun
- Payden
- Payne
- Peace
- Pearroc
- Peirce
- Pell
- Pelltun
- Pemton
- Penleigh
- Penley
- Pennleah
- Penton
- Peregrine
- Perekin
- Perkin
- Perkins
- Perkinson
- Pernel
- Pernell
- Perye
- Pete
- Peterson
- Pfeostun
- Pfesssley
- Phelps
- Phil
- Philberta
- Philips
- Phillip
- Phillips
- Picaworth
- Picford
- Pickford
- Pickworth
- Pierrel
- Piper
- Pipere
- Pit
- Pitney
- Pollock
- Poppy
- Porrex
- Prentice
- Prentiss
- Preostcot
- Prescot
- Prescott
- Prestin
- Preston
- Priestly
- Prince
- Princeton
- Prior
- Promyse
- Putnam
- Pyn
- Pyt
- Queena
- Queenie
- Ra
- Rad
- Radbert
- Radbourne
- Radburn
- Radburt